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Biography Templates to Write Your Bio BioBuilder Bio Templates & More he ShortBios BioBuilder Fill-in-the-blanks Bio Templates & More makes it easy for you to create your bio. Whether you need a short bio or profile • to apply for a job • to use in marketing material • to place below your writing • to record for posterity • or for just about any purpose of promoting yourself • or just for tooting your horn, this is the easiest, quickest and least expensive way to create a bio that you'll be proud of. WHAT IS BIOBUILDER he BioBuilder is the easiest way to create an excellent bio for yourself. It utilizes not only fill-in-the-blanks bio templates but also revolutionary interchangeable Bio Template Segments as well as Bio Questionnaires. In fact, BioBuilder has everything you need, at your fingertips, to write your bio, including not only bio templates for writing your biography but also detailed advice and guidance and a host of helpful questionnaires to make it easy to collect all the information you'll ever need for any bio you want to write, now or in the future. (And did we mention it's just $19?) HOW TO USE BIOBUILDER BIOGRAPHY TEMPLATES & MORE ll you do is fill in the blanks (if you like, you can use the information you've answered in the Questionnaires section). The BioBuilder's bio templates are unique. Nowhere else will you find this easy-to-use selection of bio/biography templates and template "segments," which can be adapted for almost anyone, including actors, athletes, consultants, coaches, entrepreneurs, doctors, lawyers, musicians, realtors, and more, and allow you to combine them to create the precise style of bio that's just right for the material you want in your bio. IT DOESN'T REQUIRE A PROFESSIONAL WRITING SERVICE TO WRITE YOUR BIO WITH BIOBUILDER BIO TEMPLATES & MORE! here are many companies that will write your bio for you (we, in fact, are also highly acclaimed for our own bio writing services — see the right-hand column). But if you prefer to do it yourself, there's no better way than with BioBuilder Bio Templates & More. If you can fill in the blanks, you can use BioBuilder well and with great results! YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE A GOOD WRITER TO WRITE A GREAT BIO WITH BIOBUILDER BIOGRAPHY TEMPLATES & MORE! nyone can use it... even if you're a poor speller, not a good writer, or even if English is not your native language. The result will be the perfect bio, every time! (OK, maybe that's a little exaggeration -- but not much. With a little effort, you will have superior, inexpensive, clear, winning bios.) SCREENSHOTS long with the BioBuilder's extensive guidance and tips on writing bios as well as its variety of general bio templates, the BioBuilder has at its heart a unique, patented system known as Bio Template Segments, a powerful and revolutionary innovation that allows you to easily choose the templates for your bio that are ideally suited to your particular needs, by "mixing and matching" the best components of a variety of types of bios. Here below is a screenshot of portions of some of these (click the graphic to see full-size). esigned like webpages, BioBuilder Biography Templates and More is easy to use. ABOUT US he creators of BioBuilder Bio Templates & More have developed these templates, template segments, questionnaires, and advice about writing biographies out of their own experience at ShortBios.com writing biographies over the years for literally hundreds of clients. ShortBios was the first, and continues to be the preeminent bio-writing service on the Internet. Created by the developers of ShortBios — the team of biographer Steve Berent and his brother Irwin Berent — BioBuilder packs a ton of our bio-writing knowledge into a unique way of writing powerful bios. Our purpose is to make you look good by having bios that tell your story...told by you! Of course, if you'd prefer to have us write your bio for you, we'll be glad to do that for you — just check out our writing services rates here, in the right-hand column. ORDER BIOBUILDER BIOGRAPHY TEMPLATES & MORE TODAY ...AND DOWNLOAD IT IN SECONDS! ou can order BioBuilder Biography Templates & More right here via our secure online order-form (or PayPal), or just give us a call (757/515-4315) to place your order. After you order it, you'll be able to instantly download the product. Or if you'd like to talk to our bio specialist about your particular needs, just call that same number (757/515-4315) or use the ShortBios "Contact Us" Form (in the right-hand column).
There are lots more reasons that BioBuilder and its bio templates are recognized as the best way, by far, for people to write their bios. In fact, we couldn't fit them all on one page. Here are some more reasons:
Reason #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8, #9, #10, #11, #12, #13, #14, #15, #16, #17, #18, #19, #20 But the very best way to find out why everyone loves using BioBuilder Bio Templates & More to create their bios is to see for yourself! Click here to order BioBuilder Bio Templates & More today! If you have any questions, just contact us using the "Contact Us" Form (in the right-hand column). Or call us directly at 757/515-4315. Copyright © 2001-2020 StarMemoirs
"The BioBuilder bio templates are great! This really helped me highlight my experience quickly without a hassle!..." John Stephens, Montgomery, Alabama "Just what I needed. Thanks guys for making this set of templates and questionnaires." Margie Clemmons, Encino, California "...I didn't think I could write well. Well, I'm still not a great writer, but with the BioBuilder, that doesn't matter. My bio looks professional, and I'm delighted with it!" Bill McQuinn, Houston, Texas "Thanks for the bio templates. I've finally got a bio that I'm happy with. Thanks a thousand times!!!" Bill Steelman, Reston, Virginia "This was actually fun. Thanks. I needed to get a bio for a long time. I love the way this works. Fill in the blanks biography templates is the way to go. Thanks." James Crawford, Flagstaff, Arizona "The bio really captures me well. Thank you." Stephanie Martin, Inglewood, California "Doing the fill in the blanks makes it easy. I'd definitely recommend this to anyone who needs a bio and doesn't want to spend a lot of time on it. Comes out great. Thanks very much." Bobby Kendall, Brooklyn, New York "Man, this was easy! I'm so glad I got these bio templates of yours. I don't know how you did it, but keep up the good work. Thanks!" Jimmy Kline, Denver, Colorado "Lots easier than I expected. Took some work, but was worth it. I like my bio." Robert Givens, Seattle, Washington "Really like the way my bio turned out. Thank you for making the BioBuilder Bio Templates & More. I definitely will recommend it to my friends..." Harry Cohen, San Bernardino, California